Saturday 12 October 2024

Reaching Out Spiritual News October 2024

Welcome to my monthly  newsletter!
My name is Victoria Cochrane. I am a spiritual healer and psychic channel living on the NW coast of Tasmania. I am a certified member of the International Psychic's Association (IPA)  and  had the honour of being awarded  Tasmanian Psychic Expos' 2019 Psychic of the Year!
I give psychic aura and tarot readings, soul and past-life healings and can perform psychic mediumship. I work with The Creator-of-All-That-Is non-religiously so that all of my work comes from the highest source of energy. I am based in Wynyard but can give sessions over the phone, via video call or even remotely.
To read testimonials about my work, please visit my website,
Find me on Facebook at
              Read my regular channellings from the Masters of Light at
Blessings, Victoria

What's Coming Up?

Victoria will run courses, including Reiki 1, 2 and Master on request. Email her at or through her website.

 Thought of the Month

If you can’t believe in yourself, how can

you expect anyone else to?

Card of the Month 

is from

Work Your Light Oracle Cards


What are you holding onto?

There is a shift happening right now, where anything inauthentic can no longer survive. Relationships, jobs, social structures, anything built on shaky ground is destined to tumble down. It’s happening to bring you back home and to who you truly are (both individually and to society as a whole so you can live your life in alignment to who you truly are.


Spiritual Reflections

Thank You Universe...I Think!

How are you at manifesting what you need and want in your life? Do you always seem to be asking the Universe for help but getting nowhere, or do you just have to think of something and it happens?

Manifestation requires a strong belief system because, in the physical reality of life on Earth, a lot of what people would be asking for, such as winning the lottery, being debt free or having perfect health, may seem nigh on impossible to ever eventuate. However, if you have absolute belief in the possibility that the unachievable is actually achievable, then you are in line with spiritual law and the Law of Attraction.

All spiritual law is based on cause and effect, which is why there are virtually no co-incidences—what ever you think, say or do will have a consequential reaction or result. The vibration of any return of energy to you will be the same as the energy you put out. For instance, if you smile at someone, you are most likely to get a positive response. However, if you swear and shout at someone, the consequence of those actions could possibly cause you some trouble!

Focused intention and absolute belief that what you want to happen can happen will be the solid foundation for creating and manifesting abundance, positive change and good things in your life, but it is important to be consistent with the positivity. Any wavering in your decision making or belief system can seriously undermine the manifestation process.

I also advise to be very careful what you ask for, and to always ask for everything to come or happen in the highest and best way and for your highest and best. When it does happen, make sure you are prepared.

I recently asked for an increase in numbers at an annual event in an organisation I belong to. I changed the long-standing venue despite the protests from some that it would be far. However, with falling attendance in recent years, it was a gamble I was willing to take. After a year of getting sponsorship, great guest speakers and a fun theme, advertising and spruiking, the registration numbers for the event have soared. Fantastic, but holy moly, we’d better deliver now! I asked for it and got it, now I am quaking in my boots. However, now is the time for me to shift my focus and thank the Universe for the event being an absolute, resounding success! If I doubt, I will sabotage myself and I can’t afford for that to happen.

So, claim your right as a co-creator and go forth to create the reality you wish for. In the process, however, make sure you are fully cognizant of how you will be effected when it comes in, and if it is really what you intended.

The power truly is in your hands (and in your mind)!


      From the Web
What is Your Higher Self?

What is your higher self? And are you supposed to be a spiritual superhero to be able to connect with your divine energy?

It can be tricky to connect with your higher self, especially if you are an overthinker. But even if you are, it’s possible!

And when you’re able to do so, the life-changing rewards are innumerable and invaluable.

Your higher self is so much more than the physical form you know so well. It’s the you in the form of the soul consciousness—unlimited and eternal.

It’s the part of you that excites with inspiration, guides with intuition, and teaches through insight.

Your intentions, desires, and secrets are well-known to your higher self. But chances are, you’ve probably had a very limited conversation with it.

Those incredibly useful flashes of intuition and inspiration can become a much more significant part of your life if you allow this communication to flourish.

Here’s the catch, though: connecting with your higher self is a paradox—you are always connected. It’s more than a connection. It’s unity.

The physical you can’t be separated from your energetic consciousness. But because we are here in this physical state, there’s a part of us that feels a sense of separation from everything else, including your higher self.

In reality, there is no separation. So, where does the energy of you begin and end?

Benefits of connecting with higher self

First, there are some basics to understand. According to Jeffrey Allen, a spiritual healer and trainer of Mindvalley’s Duality Quest,…

· Your physical self is your current life human personality 

Your higher self is your multi-life spirit personality

This identity gives you a higher perspective and an ability to connect directly with your spirit guides to support you on your journey.

“When you live from your physical self, you are easily swayed by the physical world because you don’t have much internal strength,” Jeffrey explains.

On the contrary, connecting with your higher self has a plethora of benefits:

· Your life is meaningful no matter what’s happening in your life

· You have a greater purpose, and your life events have a purpose

· You perceive suffering as your opportunity to learn and grow

· You are empowered, and you’re co-creating with life

· Your life feels magical

You feel supported and connected

Retrieved 11/10/2-24 from



What is Hope?

Hope is the belief that change can happen and that wishes can come true. It is the belief that possibility still exists and that the Universe has your back. Hope is the only things some people have in their lives.

Having hope means that the light at the end of the tunnel to end this dark time in one’s life is actually there and that an ending is coming to create a wonderful new beginning. How can you have hope when you can’t see a light at the end of your tunnel? Create one and believe it can come true.

Hope is born out of positive thinking and belief. It stems from an open heart and a mind filled with alternative possibilities. It is underpinned by the traits of resilience, perseverance and gratitude and reaps the greatest rewards when there is not attachment to the outcome, only faith that what has not yet happen will do in Divine timing.

When you believe in the power of the Universe, anything you desire, be it for yourself, your family or the Earth, will be possible to manifest with positive and focused intention. This is a powerful opportunity to bring your dreams to fruition, but with great power also comes great responsibility which must be taken seriously. Many people now will find that, whereas they were previously in transition after having come so far but not seeming to be able to move forward any further, that the tides may be starting to turn. Others may find serious changes will turn their lives suddenly upside down. No matter which way it is for you, embrace this time as an opportunity to put past learning into action, to leave past hurts behind and to take affirmative action to secure your future. Whatever no longer serves you must be shed from your life so that the future is free from old ways of thinking that will hamper your progress.

Like the colours in the rainbow, life ebbs and flows. The prisms of light hold great promise of things to come, but can be gone in an instant, never to return. So it is with life and all that we hold precious; tangible and beautiful yet also fleeting and impermanent, life can hold great promise but can also yield great disappointment.

Stay in the light, for it will shield you from the darkness which may be threatening to envelop you like a cloak. Bring the light into your hearts pace, then into your soul space, which is in touch with your spark of the Divine Creator. Feel the light, which is the unconditional love of the Creator, nourishing your spirit and filling your entire being with hope. Love is the only thing that is real, for in the energy of love there is no room for despair. Love is in all things — where there is love there is light and where there is light, no matter the colour, there is the love of the Creator.

Breathe in light as you focus your attention on the blessings in your life, no matter how small they may seem. Gratitude for what you already have will reap more abundance and greater blessings than focusing on what you don’t have or wish to have in your life. Feel the light penetrate your cells, your organs and your aura, bringing hope and belief into the depths of your being.

Live your life with hope and joy. See the good in all things. Focus on the light and you will attract more of it. Focus on love and that is what you will attract. That is all there is.

We are always with you.

I AM AA Michael

Creating Your Own Peace on Earth 

The phrase, “Home is where the heart is” reflects the true nature of inner peace because, when a person is truly happy within themselves they will be happy to live anywhere. It is the highest truth that peace on Earth is not dependent on companies, governments or corporations, not is it even dependent on spiritual or religious groups. It is dependent only upon each every individual accepting themselves and coming to terms with who they are and the life they have lived. Reaching a state of inner peace is up to no-one else but the individual themselves, for nothing will change unless every single person takes responsibility for they way they think, act, behave and create.

There is a chance now, as the Third Dimensional world collapses in on top of itself, to create your own sanctuary or patch of ‘Heaven.’ I refer both to a physical place such as where you live, but also within yourself. It must happen, as the outer world is now experiencing the greatest shift in consciousness that it ever has, and the impact on those who have not completed their contracts is potentially dire.

Soul contracts of learning are ending for most older people on the planet, unless they have chosen a path that deviates from their original plan when reincarnating. As a person realises and accepts their own truth, the path before them widens and opens up a myriad of possibilities. Those who remain cloaked in veils of illusion run the risk of losing their way in the distortionate realities that are a result of Third and Fourth Dimensional thinking that is embedded in ego, physical pain and illness and separation from the Source of Creation.

. Those who have awakened and have worked to keep their consciousness predominantly above the denser consciousness of the masses are much more equipped to keep themselves clear or to extract themselves from the treacle-like energy if they have let their guard down.

Thus, Peace on Earth amongst all peoples of the world is not a realistic goal, nor can it ever be realised as a face-value possibility. However, the energies that once governed humanity as a whole are not as they were, and the matrix of lies and deception woven into the realities of the masses are breaking down. This is because the light of the Creator is shining through so many more hearts of people who have aligned to their Divine Blueprints and reunited with their soul song. The world as we knew it is no longer, nor could it sustain the higher vibrational energies coming from the Earth herself as she has integrated the golden rays of ascension into her crystalline core. As Mother Earth vibrates to a much higher frequency, so it is that humanity is experiencing a dynamic but also catastrophic shift into a new paradigm whose reality for those who have shifted with it is much more immediate, faster paced but also far more removed from the lower energies of unascended humans.

If you have experienced a shift in your reality, it will be noticeable to you in ways that are not visible to the eye. Yes, your environment is still the same. The people in your family, your friends, your street, your community is all the same in appearance. The difference is that what matters to you will have changed; your priorities, what you perceive to be important and how to you live your live, what you eat, watch, read, believe will all be much more aligned to the values and attributes of spiritual law which is underpinned by oneness and love that is unconditional.  There will be many human ways that become more intolerable and much less understandable, and you will become a wayshower for others as you practice non-judgement, tolerance and peaceful ways of managing difficult or challenging situations or behaviours in others. Your calmness will be a magnet for others and they will feel better just by being near you.

The biggest change, however, will be the peace, gratitude and happiness you feel within for the life you are living and the abundance of love, friendship and opportunities for spiritual, financial and personal growth that just seems to keep coming your way. You are creating, or have created your own Peace on Earth which is now radiating out to the Earth and those around you in ways you cannot imagine.

We cannot thank you enough!

We Are The Masters of Light


Spiritual Practice 

Meditation for Inner Peace

Breathe deeply and slowly as you settle yourself in the chair and centre your energy in your heartspace. Consciously send your energy down into Mother Earth, pushing it through your chakras as you relax into the chair. Use your breath to send lightroots into the ground, then to bring your energy back up into your heartspace. Feeling grounded, now become aware of the light of Creator entering your crown, connecting to your energy then expanding outwards to form a protective sphere around you. Continue breathing slowly and regularly until you feel completely calm, relaxed and in a light meditative state.

The energy turns pink around you now as Quan Yin connects to you with her aura of compassion. The energy is gentle and soft as it wraps around you like a warm hug. As it does, release any judgements about yourself and allow yourself to receive this gift of loving compassion. In your mind’s eye, envision the positive aspects of the recent events of your life, the good things you have done, your achievements and your positive interactions. Think only positive thoughts as you bask in the gently caress of Quan Yin’s energy. When you feel the final release, ask Quan Yin to fill your aura with golden light to transmute any left over negative energy and to integrate the healing that has occurred.

As you continue breathing, the golden light flashes bright white and enters your heart space in the shape of a dove. The wings of the dove are tinged with gold and its eyes are filled with love. The dove represents inner peace and is ready to absorb any fears, self-doubt, anxiety, pain or overwhelming feelings that have been preventing you from achieving a peaceful inner state. As you release your stresses and worries into the dove, he in turn exchanges a beautiful inner peace into your heartspace that fills your body with warmth and enhances your ability to release and let go.

 When the dove is pure golden, he liquifies and releases down through your feet, taking all of your stresses and worries, tension and pain with him. Archangel Raphael now appears as a green aura of light around you to heal any left-over discordant energy and to allow you to feel truly at peace. As you sit in this energy, allow yourself to just be. Everything just is and you are loved, supported and nourished in this time and space.

As you bring your awareness back into your body, a word or phrase comes into your mind – it is a gift from the Creator for you to meditate on and use as a daily reminder of how special you are. Write it down and use it as a basis for how you treat yourself and others in the days to come.

I AM Quan Yin


The Last Word

Victoria's Psychic Guidance for


 For some, it is time to let go if old wounds that have been festering for a long period of time. If things have been getting harder, know that it is a sign that the past is no longer relevant and it is time to bury the hatchet and move on. If a relationship has been on the rocks,  or a job getting harder to get out of bed for, it is way past the time to leave and make a fresh start.

With Christmas and the new year fast approaching, now is the time to put your intentions out to the Universe loudly and with clarity. If you need money, have been struggling with your health or just feeling emotionally drained, well done for keeping going. Now is the time to decide what your future holds, because the Universe cannot deliver if you don’t know what you want!

A new start awaits those ready for a change. Take a leap of faith, but check your intuition and trust if it doesn’t feel right. Blind faith is not recommended! You may need to let go of expectations and get your foot in the door first. But whatever the change relates to, it is a brilliant idea as long as you take a long-term view of things. Read the fine print.

A creative project will inspire those in a creative mood. Go for it, but make sure you share the load so you don’t burn out too quickly.  VC


 About Archangels

Archangel Raziel

Means: “Archangel of Wisdom and Mysteries

Element: Light

Ray: 6th

Number: 11

Archeia: Lady Ariel

Ascended Master: Jesus

Helps with: reaching deeper guidance with spiritual path, divine magic, understanding  your psychic and spiritual insight.

Colour: Indigo

Chakra: 3rd Eye

Tarot Cards: The Magician

Crystals: Amethyst, Sodalite, Chevron, Labrodite

Other facts: Archangel Raziel can help with physical symptoms like blocked sinuses or eye discomfort. He's linked to the pituitary gland and bones.

Offers guidance and assistance concerning all metaphysical practices


 New Oracle Cards!

Love Victoria’s book, “The Book of Life, Lessons from Mother Earth”? Now you can buy the Oracle Cards!

Each card contains a positive message and a snippet of the corresponding meditation on the other side, taken straight from the book. Each section of the book is colour coded with beautiful backgrounds.

Simply packaged in a soft, satin pouch, these cards are designed to give an inspirational message for the day.

Selling for rrp $34.95 or book (which sells for $29.00) and cards package for $60+ $10 p&h  from

Testimonials for Victoria Cochrane

Hi Victoria,

I came upon your website today through the website Medium. I've read a number of your channeled messages today and have found all to be resonant with what I've been told, in addition to much that I knew immediately to be true when reading it. Thank you for the work that you're doing. 

I am in a transformational time in my life (isn't everyone on Earth at this time?) and started consistently channeling about 8-9 months ago. At first it was only during medicine work, but now I can pretty reliably make that connection without it. Initially, it was my guides, then occasionally a group called "the council", and recently I received a powerful message from Archangel Michael. I have been told many times recently that I am meant to be a channel. And I have been struggling to get my head around it. I've thought why me? This isn't a job. Etc, etc. I read this on your website today and I really felt the Truth in it - 

All angelic and higher realm frequencies MUST be grounded through a human body in order to make a positive impact on Earth. Accordingly, only those people who have begun the process of awakening or whose soul has achieved a level of mastery in a previous lifetime (and agreed to assist humanity as part of their soul evolvement) can withstand the energy of etheric beings without becoming frightened, unwell or misled.


I felt something shift energetically in me. There was more of an acceptance of what is, what I am. So I thought I would reach out and see what comes of that


Received 5-9-2024

Read Victoria's channellings' blog at

Victoria Cochrane's Books 

Print versions of Victoria’s books can be ordered from her website,

Print and e-books are also available at Amazon and all online sellers.


Victoria has contributed to the Spiritual Discovery Journal (2020, Synk Media). Learn different ways of journalling from 12 practitioners who are all experts in their field.

$49.99 from online booksellers

                                      Victoria's List of Services 

A session may include any or all of the following:
· Psychic aura reading/body scan: Victoria uses her 
clairvoyance to see what is being held 
energetically in your auric field, 
in your chakras and organs.
·   Spiritual healing: Victoria will witness powerful Divine 
healings to lift past trauma and negative belief systems to help 
you to move into the future.
·  Channelled messages from your 
angel guides and the Creator
·   Mediumship: talk to your passed over loved ones
· Psychic tarot and oracle card reading
· Reiki
· Pendulum chakra activation

By appointment at 120 Goldie St Wynyard,
by phone or video call.
Phone: 0417581107

Find Victoria on You Tube...


And Tik Tok


Victoria Cochrane
Accurate, Compassionate,