Tuesday, 18 February 2025

Reaching Out Spiritual News January 2024

Welcome to my monthly  newsletter!
My name is Victoria Cochrane. I am a spiritual healer and psychic channel living on the NW coast of Tasmania. I am a certified member of the International Psychic's Association (IPA)  and  had the honour of being awarded  Tasmanian Psychic Expos' 2019 Psychic of the Year!
I give psychic aura and tarot readings, soul and past-life healings and can perform psychic mediumship. I work with The Creator-of-All-That-Is non-religiously so that all of my work comes from the highest source of energy. I am based in Wynyard but can give sessions over the phone, via video call or even remotely.
To read testimonials about my work, please visit my website,
Find me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/victoriacochranepsychiccommunicator/
              Read my regular channellings from the Masters of Light at http://victoriacochrane44.com
Blessings, Victoria

What's Coming Up?

Victoria is giving readings at the Rocky Cape Market on Saturday 22nd February.

Victoria will be giving readings at the Penguin Relay for Life on March 22nd .

 Thought of the Month

             Change the negative energy of an unpleasant ending to the positive perspective of an opportunity to create a new beginning or direction for yourself.


Oracle Card of the Month 

This month’s card is from

The Modern Oracle

By Katy-K


“This is the card of movement. You are taking off, or the subject you are enquiring about is about to take off in a positive direction.”

Tarot Card of the Month 

Nine of Pentacles

You reap what you sow, so stay focused and positive as your dreams or goals are about to be realised.


Spiritual Reflections

An Insight into My Life

Well, my newsletter is late again! Why? may you ask. Life is unusually busy, and the main reason is not because I am booked out in my spiritual work. I have been a  member of the Rocky Cape Lions Club, for ten years, so that has always kept me pretty busy. However, since July I have taken on the role of District Governor for Lions in Tasmania, and so ‘busy’ has taken on a new meaning altogether!

Lions International is a service organisation that involves members paying to be a members so that 100% of funds raised go back to the community. I like that, because if gives us more credibility. It is run from America, but has an Australian office. There are18 Lions Districts within Australia, and every year, a new District Governor comes on board as the administrative officer of the district. Visiting clubs, writing reports, sorting out issues, travelling to Council of Governor’s meetings, organising and running a district convention and going to the multiple district ones are just part of the role. Oh, and I haven't mentioned the training in the 18 months beforehand.

Why put myself through it, you might well ask? Not sure I can tell you, other than I believe in the organisation and I love meeting new people! I also like helping people in the community—giving back, if you like.

I have given up teaching, but maintaining my spiritual practices and work has been an extremely important way to keep me grounded and out of my head completely, which is a bit of an occupational hazard.

Many people that I meet are volunteers in some way, and I highly recommend it, particularly if you are new to an area or feeling lonely. The feeling you get after giving a person who’s been through cancer a Christmas Hamper, stacking wood for an elderly person who has no-one to help them or cooking a barbeque for firies in a disaster is unparalleled.


      From the Web
Ascension Symptoms and How to Navigate Them


Ascension symptoms are physical, emotional, and mental changes that some individuals experience as they undergo spiritual awakening or personal transformation. These symptoms are believed to arise as the body and mind adjust to higher frequencies of energy associated with spiritual growth and enlightenment. This blog delves into the nature of ascension symptoms, their significance, and practical tips for navigating them.

The term “ascension symptoms” has become increasingly popular among those exploring spiritual growth and personal development. While most of us have been used to the word, “symptom” in a negative light, what I have learned is, not all "ascension symptoms” are bad, in fact many can lead to positive changes in your life.

Ascension symptoms

Let’s begin by taking a look at the difference between an “ascension symptom” and a “symptom” itself. I will use myself as an example, I have suffered from “ear ringing” for years, due to physical hearing loss. I had my ears tested by an audiologist which showed a loss of hearing in both ears. My ear ringing is caused by hearing loss not ascension symptoms.

If, my hearing tests came out “normal” then I might equate the ringing to ascension symptoms, due to the fact that I have been on the spiritual path for nearly two decades. This is just one example of how you may be able to tell the difference.

While not everyone may experience these symptoms, many report them during significant phases of their spiritual journeys.

Common Ascension Symptoms

1. Physical Changes:

Fatigue and Exhaustion: As your energy body undergoes shifts, you might feel unusually tired or drained. This is often due to the absorption of high frequency plasma light. This is one of the reasons why many people on a spiritual path need to keep their self-care a priority. One thing that has helped me is to increase my exercise. If you are looking for a convenient and affordable way to do this check out my virtual yoga and fitness membership.

· Headaches and Migraines: Changes in energy vibrations can sometimes trigger headaches or migraines. Staying hydrated and practicing relaxation techniques can help alleviate these symptoms.

Digestive Issues: You may experience nausea, bloating, or changes in appetite as your body adjusts to new energies. Eating a balanced diet and drinking plenty of water can be beneficial. For me, one of my ascension symptoms is I no longer can tolerate alcohol, which as I tell my husband, makes me a the cheapest date in town.

2. Emotional Shifts:

Emotional Roller Coasters: Intense mood swings or sudden emotional outbursts are common as old emotional patterns are released. I have many clients whom have shared this with me. It is nothing to be ashamed about so long as you are doing things like practicing mindfulness and seeking support from trained professionals such as a therapist.

Heightened Sensitivity: You might find yourself more sensitive to the emotions of others or more deeply affected by environmental factors. Grounding exercises and meditation can assist in managing this sensitivity.

3. Mental Changes:

Mental Fog or Confusion: As your consciousness expands, you may experience periods of mental fog or confusion. Regular mental and physical exercises can help clear your mind.

Enhanced Intuition: Increased intuition or psychic abilities are often reported. Journaling your insights and experiences can help you understand and trust these new abilities.

How to Manage Ascension Symptoms

**1. Stay Grounded: Engage in activities that help you stay grounded, such as spending time in nature, practicing yoga, or meditating. Grounding helps stabilize your energy and provides a sense of balance.

**2. Self-Care Practices: Prioritize self-care by ensuring you get adequate rest, maintain a healthy diet, and stay hydrated. Regular physical activity can also support your body’s adjustment to new energy frequencies.

**3. Emotional Support: Seek support from friends, family, or spiritual communities. Sharing your experiences with others who understand ascension symptoms can provide comfort and insights.

**4. Mindfulness and Meditation: Incorporate mindfulness and meditation into your daily routine to help manage stress and promote emotional well-being. These practices can also enhance your connection to your higher self.

**5. Professional Help: If you find that ascension symptoms are significantly impacting your daily life, consider consulting with a healthcare professional or a spiritual advisor who can offer guidance and support.




The Uprising of Ascension


In the energy of Oneness, there is only peace. The world, if all upon her were connected to Oneness, would not be at war with itself and would therefore be very different. Every human would be happy in their own skin; they would love and accept themselves and others for who they are, respecting their journey without judgement. The light would shine from within and everyone would just be.
Alas, the world exists in duality, therefoe the darkness ever theatens to overtake the light. Most people are unhappy in their own skin, resulting in their egos driving them to lay blame on others to avoid their own weaknesses being exposed.
For those people who have ascended or are in the process of raising their vibrations, this is a time of heightened sensitivity, because the density of lower vibrations emanating from humans living in third and fourth dimensional energies. If the physical body is not in balance and in alignment with one’s etheric bodies, one may find themselves with unpleasant physical symptoms such as headaches, dizziness or pain as their body stuggles to catch up to the higher vibrations of their etheric bodies aligning to the high vibrations of the Fifth Dimension. Be assured, it is only temporary! If you are going through some kind of ascension sickness, we encouage you to persist with your meditations and self-healing. The more people on Earth that can see and think above the lower consciousness of the masses, the faster the next phase of ascension can be finalised.
Souls who have chosen the path of power, ego and karma can no longer be saved in this lifetime; they have chosen their fate. There will soon be another mass exodus of souls from the planet, and this is as it should be. The time for world domination aand dicatorships is over. As those in power succumb to its clutches, their actions will no longer be tolerated as they once were. A silent uprising is occurring as the light steadily extinguishes the dark forces who are losing their grip, despite their attempts to keep the masses in fear and under their control. No world leader is exempt from the uprising of Ascension, no matter how powerful they are or how right they feel they are. Be prepared for the turmoil of change as several leaders fall from grace in the next 6 to 12 months.
So, ascended or ascending souls, please persist in your spiritual quest to connect to your higher wisdom and the unconditional to love of Source to stay above the 3rd and 4th Dimensions. The coming wave will be brutal for some, but miraculous for many. Hold onto your hats, Dear Hearts. This next year will be quite a ride!
I Am Lord Melchizedek. VC


 Spiritual Practice/The Last Word

The Power of Meditation

There are many people who say they cannot meditate and still their minds, yet when you sit and just ‘contemplate your navel’, as the saying goes, you are essentially meditating!

There are many types of meditation, some of which are ‘interactive’ where contact with guides, spirits or the Creator is made. However, most people who meditate do so in order to centre themselves within their own being, to make contact with the deep spirituality within, and to increase their sense of health and wellbeing. In the rush of daily life, a multitude of thoughts run through peoples’ minds at the same time, clouding the ability to see the bigger picture and to think clearly and rationally. It is very easy to become ungrounded and disconnected, to the world around you and to the spiritual voice within. Meditation is the best way to re-centre, re-ground and re-connect to yourself, Mother Earth, the Supreme Source and to your spiritual self.

Clearing your mind may seem difficult, but having a focus may help. Some people use              pre-recorded guided meditations, some play music, some use chanting or toning. Many focus on their breath or on a visualisation. There are many different ways, but the best way to clear your mind that I would recommend would be to focus on your breathing while visualising it as light. As you breathe in light and fill every part of your body with it, you can imagine that it is renewing all of your cells, repairing tissue and reinstating your health. As you imagine it happening, it will actually be happening! As you breathe out the light, breathe it out as love and imagine it is going out to the world, to people you love, to people who need it or even to the Earth itself. As you imagine this, it will be happening.

The power of meditation is that it harnesses the power of the mind in connection with the rest of your body, with the Supreme Source, Mother Earth and with the universe itself. The mind is a powerful manifester, but in lower or more fractured vibrations it can work in destructive, judgemental and quite detrimental ways. In the meditative state, however, it is calm, connected to the ALL and free of the attachments to the Earthly and Third Dimensional planes. It is open to the messages that are available from the etheric planes, and it is more able to see from the Third Eye. Starting with the breath will immediately connect the meditator to their sacred fire, and the resulting connection to the ALL will be deeper, more profound and much more relaxing, particularly for the beginner.

Meditation can be as simple or as complicated as you like. There are no rules and no time limit- it can take one minute or twenty, five minutes or an hour. You can stare at a wall, walk on the beach, connect to the Creator or chant for the whole time. However you do it the purpose is always the same: to clear your mind, centre your spirit and connect to the ALL, which is also your connection to your Higher Self, your subconscious thoughts and your own self in spirit. Spirituality, after all, is connection, and meditation is the highest and best way to find it. By connecting to yourself first you will ultimately connect to Source. Be patient and persistent, loved ones, and you will reap the rewards.

Here are some simple techniques to try:

· Take a deep breath and push it into your abdomen. Breathe steadily in and out on a slow count of four. Keep your consciousness down there for 1 or 2 minutes and build up ‘meditation stamina’ from there, increasing by one or two minutes at a time.

· Stare into a fire, at the tree tops or the sea without thinking about anything, but maintaining awareness of your breathing and of your surroundings.

·  Use the breath to take yourself   into an alpha, or light meditative, state. Breathe 4 times each to

a count of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, seeing a circular motion each time. Then, once you are at 8, create a stillpoint on each outbreath, holding it for 2 seconds and repeating 8 times. You won’t be able to think about anything!

· Infinity Breath Meditation

     Use the breath and hand    symbols to get into a regular hypnotic rhythm.

     Then visualise it in front of you as you continue breathing, getting slower and slower until you are in a light meditative state.

I AM Archangel Michael


Spiritual Events

 Contact Victoria to book a reading on 0417481107 or register on the day.

Upcoming Events for Victoria

Relay for Life, March 22nd from 12-8pm

 Burnie Mind Body and Spirit Expo

Wednesday 23rd-Thursday 24th April

Burnie Townhouse


 Testimonials For Victoria

Hi Victoria,

Have been meaning to email you for a couple of weeks but didn’t get around to it.I just wanted to thank you for your help as I’ve really noticed the difference more over time. I’m not sure how you do it but thanks again. 

Happy new year – Molly


Morning Victoria,I had a dream about you last night of me telling a small group of people how fantastic you are and what a wonderful help you have been to me .Thought I would let you know as I thought on waking... yes that is so true.Thank you for being you ; have a great day ❤️ Jacqui


 Oracle Cards!

Love Victoria’s book, “The Book of Life, Lessons from Mother Earth”? Now you can buy the Oracle Cards!

Each card contains a positive message and a snippet of the corresponding meditation on the other side, taken straight from the book. Each section of the book is colour coded with beautiful backgrounds.

Simply packaged in a soft, satin pouch, these cards are designed to give an inspirational message for the day.

Selling for rrp $34.95 or book (which sells for $29.00) and cards package for $60+ $10 p&h  from victoriacochrane.com.au

Testimonials for Victoria Cochrane

Hi Victoria,

I came upon your website today through the website Medium. I've read a number of your channeled messages today and have found all to be resonant with what I've been told, in addition to much that I knew immediately to be true when reading it. Thank you for the work that you're doing. 

I am in a transformational time in my life (isn't everyone on Earth at this time?) and started consistently channeling about 8-9 months ago. At first it was only during medicine work, but now I can pretty reliably make that connection without it. Initially, it was my guides, then occasionally a group called "the council", and recently I received a powerful message from Archangel Michael. I have been told many times recently that I am meant to be a channel. And I have been struggling to get my head around it. I've thought why me? This isn't a job. Etc, etc. I read this on your website today and I really felt the Truth in it - 

All angelic and higher realm frequencies MUST be grounded through a human body in order to make a positive impact on Earth. Accordingly, only those people who have begun the process of awakening or whose soul has achieved a level of mastery in a previous lifetime (and agreed to assist humanity as part of their soul evolvement) can withstand the energy of etheric beings without becoming frightened, unwell or misled.


I felt something shift energetically in me. There was more of an acceptance of what is, what I am. So I thought I would reach out and see what comes of that


Received 5-9-2024

Read Victoria's channellings' blog at victoriacochrane44.com

Victoria Cochrane's Books 

Print versions of Victoria’s books can be ordered from her website,


Print and e-books are also available at Amazon and all online sellers.


Victoria has contributed to the Spiritual Discovery Journal (2020, Synk Media). Learn different ways of journalling from 12 practitioners who are all experts in their field.

$49.99 from online booksellers

                                      Victoria's List of Services 

A session may include any or all of the following:
· Psychic aura reading/body scan: Victoria uses her 
clairvoyance to see what is being held 
energetically in your auric field, 
in your chakras and organs.
·   Spiritual healing: Victoria will witness powerful Divine 
healings to lift past trauma and negative belief systems to help 
you to move into the future.
·  Channelled messages from your 
angel guides and the Creator
·   Mediumship: talk to your passed over loved ones
· Psychic tarot and oracle card reading
· Reiki
· Pendulum chakra activation

By appointment at 120 Goldie St Wynyard,
by phone or video call.
Phone: 0417581107

Find Victoria on You Tube...


And Tik Tok


Victoria Cochrane
Accurate, Compassionate,