Monday 9 September 2024

Reaching Out Spiritual News September 2024

Welcome to my monthly  newsletter!
My name is Victoria Cochrane. I am a spiritual healer and psychic channel living on the NW coast of Tasmania. I am a certified member of the International Psychic's Association (IPA)  and  had the honour of being awarded  Tasmanian Psychic Expos' 2019 Psychic of the Year!
I give psychic aura and tarot readings, soul and past-life healings and can perform psychic mediumship. I work with The Creator-of-All-That-Is non-religiously so that all of my work comes from the highest source of energy. I am based in Wynyard but can give sessions over the phone, via video call or even remotely.
To read testimonials about my work, please visit my website,
Find me on Facebook at
              Read my regular channellings from the Masters of Light at
Blessings, Victoria

What's Coming Up?

Victoria will run courses, including Reiki 1, 2 and Master on request. Email her at or through her website.

 Thought of the Month

If you can’t believe in yourself, how can

you expect anyone else to?

Card of the Month 

is from

The Book of Life Oracle Cards

by Victoria Cochrane

Chapter 4

The Art of Waking Consciousness

“Be assured, Dear Hearts, that each and every one of you has the knowledge of the Universe in your higher mind, including the Universal Laws. To access this knowledge, put your thinking brain out of the way, sit in your Sacred Heartspace and know with your heart, not think with your mind. Trust that what comes to you is from your higher mind, as it will feel sacred and of integrity. See everything, including yourself, with unconditional love.”


Spiritual Reflections

When Things Don't Go To Plan.

So how do you cope when all the plans you have set in place go awry? Are you able to go with the flow, or does the floor drop out of your world? While some people cope better with ruined plans than others, there is no doubt that stress, frustration, worry and anger can have a really negative affect on our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, not to mention the physical symptoms they can all cause. That aside, untoward reactions to things going wrong can be upsetting for anyone wearing the brunt of that reaction in the moment.

If you or a person you know has a tendency to fly off the handle, it is worth taking a few minutes to consider why that might be. Is it because you are just an impatient person, or is there a more deeply-seated reason, such as childhood trauma or abuse that has caused you to react badly in situations which other people would be able to take in their stride?

Notwithstanding that there would be a myriad of experiences and/or reasons that may contribute to the way a person deals with stress,  the benefits of learning to ‘calm your farm’ and of using breathing and meditative techniques to ensure you don’t ‘tip over the edge’ cannot be outweighed.

Don’t get me wrong; I can over-react with the best of them! However, there are a few techniques and practices that I have learnt over the years that mean I get over it more quickly or adapt to the situation more easily than I once would have. I am also better at taking disaster-prevention measures to ensure I have the best chance  of my plans NOT falling through.

The first thing I have learnt to do, but nit mastered, is to give yourself time… to catch that plane, get to the event, make that appointment. Running late for something will just put you on the back foot straight away, meaning your emotions will be heightened and you may lose focus. Be packed, prepared and leave yourself heaps of time to do what you need to do.

The next thing is to check the the fine print, check the booking times, print out the instructions, read everything thoroughly. I’ve been caught out before because I didn’t read all the details. To avoid forgetting things that your plans are dependent on, be proactive like putting the tickets in your handbag the night before, putting a note on the fridge so you don’t forget to take the casserole to the dinner meeting or taking the cat to the vet the night before a big holiday because he has a habit of hiding to avoid going in the cage!

Pick your battles. If something is out of your control, make contingency plans and find the positives. Sometimes things happen that no-one could predict. Make the best of it and remember that there are no coincidences. Nine times out of ten, if it didn’t happen, it wasn’t the right time for it to happen, as frustrating as that is.

Take responsibility and avoid taking your frustration out on other people. Count to ten, take three breaths and find a way to interact with staff or clients respectfully. You want things to get better for you, not worse.

 The best laid plans can go awry, but allowing our emotions to get the better of us when they do can actually be very bad for our health, not to mention your relationships - other people do not need to wear our anger when things have gone wrong.

Are you stressing yourself out? Could you handle unpredictable events in a better way? If you are a ball of stress, it’s time to take note! Please turn to page 7 for some spiritual practices that may help.  VC


      From the Web
Spiritual Meaning of Deja Vu

Déjà vu is an eerie feeling of familiarity that most of us will experience at least once in our lives. It is defined as “a feeling of having already experienced the present situation”.

A moment of déjà vu can be easy to ignore and brush aside, but from a spiritual perspective, it is a key indicator that you are on the right path and are meant to be where you currently stand.

Because déjà vu is the sense of having seen something before, it can be easy to chalk it up to a past life connection. While this may be true, I have found a different explanation that seems to resonate with me more.

My explanation has been inspired by reading the works of Dr. Michael Newton, a hypnotherapist who spent his career regressing people not to their past lives, but to the time before their lives, the time where they were still in spirit.

Before our soul enters our body, we hang out in the spirit world with our soul group. Our soul group is like our team, our family in the spirit world that we work with and support.

When we come to Earth, our soul family is often present in our human lives in some way, and we may take on the role of being each other’s spouse, parent, friend, and so on. These roles may change from life to life, but our soul family will usually feature in some way.

While we are in the spirit realms, we begin preparing for a new life on Earth. During this time we plan, with the help of our soul group, to achieve the lessons we want to achieve and fulfill the destiny we wish to play out.

Our mission often involves our soul family in some way, so we work with them to ensure we are all on the same page and that there are clear opportunities to meet and play out the lessons we need to play out once we are on Earth together.

After we have worked with our soul group and mapped out our individual lives, we are given what has been described as “gold nuggets”. (This gold nugget description comes from Dr. Newton’s third book- Memories of the Afterlife).

These gold nuggets are placed at different points on your journey by your soul in order to remind you of your path, your journey, and that you are on the right track.

As a soul, you know once you come down to the physical realm that you may forget the plans you made or the purpose of your journey, so these nuggets are set as reminders and clues that you are on the right track.

When we reach a point on our path where a nugget is revealed, we have a sense of remembrance, and perhaps we are reminded that some time ago we devised this life plan along with our soul group.

As a soul, we may have also been able to watch our life-to-be playing out, and perhaps this moment of remembrance is also a sign that we have seen that this was how things were meant to be.

Experiencing déjà vu is just one way these nuggets can remind us of our journey. We can also be reminded through gut feelings, dreams, connecting with people we feel we have known forever, synchronicities and so much more.

So the next time you experience déjà vu perhaps pause and acknowledge the moment. Pay attention to who you are with and what you are doing, and acknowledge that you have reached a point on your life path where a nugget is being revealed to you.

This nugget was laid down by your loving soul before you came into this body, and reveals that you are on the right track, meeting who you are meant to be meeting, and heading where you need to be heading.



The Five Facets of Ascension

“Ascension” is a word that has been bandied around by spiritualists for the last two and a half decades. For some, it means nothing, but for others, it has changed their lives. Ascension is not merely a matter of raising one’s vibrations and seeing things more clearly; it is a way of life that is far removed from the harsh realities of Earth. Those who have ascended live amongst those who haven’t, yet their realities are often much happier than those who are still struggling in the physical existence of life on Earth. Why and how? It’s a matter of consciousness, awareness, connection and absolute belief in the powers of the Universe. The fifth element is alignment to one’s higher self – their I AM Presence.

Spirituality is not dependent on any kind of structure that is usually found in religion, although most humans find it difficult to hold any kind of faith without attachment to a God-figure and the doctrine that comes with it. True spirituality is grounded in the truth of ones being, and the alignment to that truth brings a freedom devoid of any need for doctrine or structure that only allows certain conditions for that faith to exist. When one is aligned to one’s own truth, one is also aligned to the truth of the Universe, where only love exists within Creation itself.

Despite what any religion or spiritual master says, humans are, in fact, masters of their own destinies and create their own realities based on their belief systems, i.e., what they know and trust to be true. There are many facets of truth, but when one can truly say they love who they are completely and unconditionally, that is when they have ascended beyond the fallacies of physical existence and have aligned to their spiritual I AM. This takes diligence and often years of stripping away trauma, pain, suffering and dis-belief in oneself.

The term ‘Ascension’ literally means ‘rising above’, so if you consider the environment you are living in at the moment, what dense energies must you work to rise above in order to be happier, more content and nicer to know? There would be a myriad of things, such as the state of the world, the influence of the media, poverty, a nasty boss, an abusive family member or rising damp in the house causing health issues for your children. Whatever it is that is causing your consciousness to remain trapped in fear and despair, consider what it would take for you to be able to ‘rise above’ the realities you find yourself in now. If the physical reality can’t or won’t change, how can you change your perspective in order to create a consciousness of change?

How aware of your thoughts are you? What are you saying to yourself that is limiting the possibilities you can believe in? Is your glass half full or half empty? Your thoughts create form, so awareness is absolute key if you would like to begin the journey of Ascension. Every time you find yourself thinking negatively about yourself, others or a situation, stop, bring in light and love to your heartspace and cut and cancel that thought. Then, turn it into a positive, fill it with light and send it out to the Universe, which is listening and will always deliver what you ask for. Be aware of your thoughts and words, because they create your reality. The higher your thoughts and intentions, the higher your consciousness will be.

How connected are you to your truth? Are you able to be honest with yourself, or are you blaming others for the way you feel? Alignment to truth can come at a cost in the short-term, but the long-term gains will always outweigh the difficulties. Humans in general do not appreciate truth because it brings everything into stark reality; much better to stay in the warm and fuzzy excuses that give licence to blaming others or to avoiding responsibility. Belief in yourself starts with taking responsibility for the words and actions you emit that affect others, and if you don’t like what you see, good on you! You are now in a position to right the wrongs of the past and to step into the light – accept your part in adversity, become aware of the belief systems you hold that are limiting your spiritual and personal growth and begin to expand your consciousness so you can harness the opportunities you have never believed possible.

So, the five aspects of Ascension are belief, awareness, consciousness, connection and alignment to one’s own truth; however, we hope that you have realised that Ascension is by no means a linear process and it happens differently for different people. Where one person may become aware first, another may suddenly find themselves thinking and perceiving things differently, and yet another may find their psychic gifts suddenly activating and their belief systems therefore challenged. No matter how it is happening for you, know that it must happen if the world is to become a safer and happier place.

The other thing we need you to know that, once you are an ascended soul and your Lightbody* is activated, that is not the end of the story! The first thing to know that there is no place for the ego in this journey; Ascension does not mean you are in any way ‘better’ than anyone else, it just means you are more aware, connected, tuned into a higher consciousness, aligned to your higher truth and have a much more positive and open belief system than others. It will almost certainly bring with it an element of responsibility to guide or assist others in their journey, whether it be through friendship or in a more professional way.

So, how to begin? The first piece of advice is to have no fear, because aligning to Who-You-Truly-Are is the most important, if not daunting, thing you could ever do for yourself and the planet. When you know and trust in yourself, love and accept yourself without condition, then you have nothing to prove to anyone else and people will feel safe to be themselves around you. The ripple effect that comes from one person making a positive change for themselves cannot be underestimated. Beginning with some deep self-reflection and honesty is a perfect way to begin.

The next is to find someone to help you; perhaps someone who has been through it themselves, or someone who has flexible skills to meet your particular needs. It is easy, when awakening, to have doubts and fears that are confusing and self-sabotaging. A teacher or guide is invaluable to the awakening soul whose gifts are unlocking and who has no-one to believe them.

 And the last piece of advice we have is to never give up. You are never alone and you are worthy, no matter what anybody else tries to tell you. This journey is yours and yours alone, but the people and spiritual beings you invite to join you could be the difference between you ascending or being dragged back down into the human collective consciousness, which is magnetic and destructive to the development of a higher consciousness.

There is much more we could say about Ascension, but we hope that this has been enough to inspire, encourage and empower all of you to embrace your spirituality without fear and to allow Who-You-Truly-Are to shine your light as a beacon to the world. There is no better time than now.

WE ARE Archangel Uriel and the Masters of the Cosmic Council


* You can read more about The Lightbody in Beyond Ascension 2012; Universal Truths  by Victoria Cochrane (2nd Edition, 2016) Available for $10.00 from online booksellers or from


Spiritual Practice 

Tips and Techniques to Help You Stay Calm

If you are one to anger easily and react rather than respond, here are a few practical practices that may help you to avoid conflict with others as well as adding to your already inflated stress levels.

· Remember, if you wouldn’t normally say something, or if you would be embarrassed to admit you had said, written or done a particular thing, your shouldn’t be saying, writing or doing it!

· Count to ten and take a big breath. Consider whether whatever is on the tip of your tongue to say or write is the best response to get what you want.

· If you are responding to an upsetting email, don’t respond straight away. Take time to calm down, write down the facts of the situation and make sure you have your story straight, i.e. all the information. When your emotions have settled down, respond without emotion.

· Make sure you are grounded and in the present, not fuming in your head. Stop, lock in 5 to 10 things in your surroundings and take a big breath. Then, breathing out, send the energy all the way down your body and into the ground. Take two more two grounding breaths like that.  Find something to focus on and keep breathing slowly until you feel calm.

· Break your energy from others by mentally cutting ties or wiping your hand through your aura. Then zip your aura up over your head and visualise it being filled with love. Keep breathing until you feel calmer.

· Use the Violet Flame of Transmutation to transmute your anger and frustration. If you don’t know how to invoke it yourself, call upon Saint Germain or Archangel Zadkiel to activate the flame and consciously push all of your negative emotions into it until your feel a shift. You can also ask that the flame transmute the energy between you and the person/s who have pushed your buttons to clear the energy.

· Thank the Universe for resolving this situation in the highest and best way and then let go of the outcome.

· Reflect on what it is within you that is causing you to react badly. What needs healing or letting go of?    VC


The Last Word

Victoria's Psychic Guidance for


  Personal Growth: September is a time of renewal. In the Southern Hemisphere it is Spring and a time of renewal and growth. In the Northern Hemisphere it is also a time of renewal, but of letting go. Use the infinity symbol to help you to let go of the past and to bring in the new. There is no separation between endings and beginnings - it is all part of the greater plan.

Finances: If money has been tight, changes are afoot and things are about to improve. Remember there has to be a balance between giving and receiving, spending and saving, to allow for an uninhibited flow of financial abundance. If you have been spending a lot, it is time to rein that in so your budget can stretch to Christmas/the holiday season. Thank the Universe for your continued flow of financial abundance for your highest and best. Avoid worrying about your money situation to prevent blockages.

Work: Don’t be afraid to dream big and to apply for that new job or promotion. If you are happy in your work, your lack of self- confidence is unwarranted.  Stop overthinking things and show them what you’re made of! You’ve got this

Love and Relationships:  Now is the time to stop doubting that he/she loves you or that you are not good enough. This is a great time to deepen your commitment to each other and to plan for the future. Lack of commitment on either side will only prevent your relationship from reaching its full potential. For singles, fear and past failures  need healing from your life. A potential partner is holding back, possibly for the same reason as you! Communication is the key to unlocking your hearts. If you are happily single, a one -sided friendship needs resolving. VC


 About Archangels

Jophiel: Air

Means: “Beauty of God”

Ray: 2nd Yellow

Attributes: Illumination, Wisdom, Karma

Is often depicted holding a flaming “Sword of Wisdom.”

Archeia: Lady Constance

Ascended Master:


Is responsible for bringing beauty down to Earth.

Helps with: finding beauty in all things, healing negativity and chaos, maintaining a positive and grateful attitude, taming the ego, restoring organisation and gaining clarity.

Tarot Cards: Temperance and The Star

Crystals: Ametrine, Smokey Quartz, Rutilated Quartz

Other facts: Jophiel can use the sword of wisdom cuts through illusion, bringing clarity to any situation.


 New Oracle Cards!

Love Victoria’s book, “The Book of Life, Lessons from Mother Earth”? Now you can buy the Oracle Cards!

Each card contains a positive message and a snippet of the corresponding meditation on the other side, taken straight from the book. Each section of the book is colour coded with beautiful backgrounds.

Simply packaged in a soft, satin pouch, these cards are designed to give an inspirational message for the day.

Selling for rrp $34.95 or book (which sells for $29.00) and cards package for $60+ $10 p&h  from

Testimonials for Victoria Cochrane

Hi Victoria,

I came upon your website today through the website Medium. I've read a number of your channeled messages today and have found all to be resonant with what I've been told, in addition to much that I knew immediately to be true when reading it. Thank you for the work that you're doing. 

I am in a transformational time in my life (isn't everyone on Earth at this time?) and started consistently channeling about 8-9 months ago. At first it was only during medicine work, but now I can pretty reliably make that connection without it. Initially, it was my guides, then occasionally a group called "the council", and recently I received a powerful message from Archangel Michael. I have been told many times recently that I am meant to be a channel. And I have been struggling to get my head around it. I've thought why me? This isn't a job. Etc, etc. I read this on your website today and I really felt the Truth in it - 

All angelic and higher realm frequencies MUST be grounded through a human body in order to make a positive impact on Earth. Accordingly, only those people who have begun the process of awakening or whose soul has achieved a level of mastery in a previous lifetime (and agreed to assist humanity as part of their soul evolvement) can withstand the energy of etheric beings without becoming frightened, unwell or misled.


I felt something shift energetically in me. There was more of an acceptance of what is, what I am. So I thought I would reach out and see what comes of that


Received 5-9-2024

Read Victoria's channellings' blog at

Victoria Cochrane's Books 

Print versions of Victoria’s books can be ordered from her website,

Print and e-books are also available at Amazon and all online sellers.


Victoria has contributed to the Spiritual Discovery Journal (2020, Synk Media). Learn different ways of journalling from 12 practitioners who are all experts in their field.

$49.99 from online booksellers

                                      Victoria's List of Services 

A session may include any or all of the following:
· Psychic aura reading/body scan: Victoria uses her 
clairvoyance to see what is being held 
energetically in your auric field, 
in your chakras and organs.
·   Spiritual healing: Victoria will witness powerful Divine 
healings to lift past trauma and negative belief systems to help 
you to move into the future.
·  Channelled messages from your 
angel guides and the Creator
·   Mediumship: talk to your passed over loved ones
· Psychic tarot and oracle card reading
· Reiki
· Pendulum chakra activation

By appointment at 120 Goldie St Wynyard,
by phone or video call.
Phone: 0417581107

Find Victoria on You Tube...


And Tik Tok


Victoria Cochrane
Accurate, Compassionate,