Monday, 16 December 2024

Reaching Out Spiritual News December 2024

Welcome to my monthly  newsletter!
My name is Victoria Cochrane. I am a spiritual healer and psychic channel living on the NW coast of Tasmania. I am a certified member of the International Psychic's Association (IPA)  and  had the honour of being awarded  Tasmanian Psychic Expos' 2019 Psychic of the Year!
I give psychic aura and tarot readings, soul and past-life healings and can perform psychic mediumship. I work with The Creator-of-All-That-Is non-religiously so that all of my work comes from the highest source of energy. I am based in Wynyard but can give sessions over the phone, via video call or even remotely.
To read testimonials about my work, please visit my website,
Find me on Facebook at
              Read my regular channellings from the Masters of Light at
Blessings, Victoria

What's Coming Up?

Victoria will run courses, including Reiki 1, 2 and Master on request. Email her at or through her website.

 Thought of the Month

               Do things because you want to do them, not because others are expecting you to.

Card of the Month 

is from


by Sandra Anne Taylor

24. Adjacent Possibilities

Many Unconsidered Options

“…you have many options, and it’s time to take a wider look at things. As you consider the many life-choices available, you’ll feel more and more empowered and motivated to make the decisions that bring happiness, strength and forward motion….Be conscious, be aware and be flexible and willing to take new and different action now.

Spiritual Reflections

Taking Charge of Your Life

Is life happening to you, or for you? Are you in charge of your life, or do you feel like you are on a runaway train careening out of control? If so,  let’s look at why that may be and how you can get back in the driver’s seat!

There are many reasons that people may feel that they are not in the driver’s seat when it comes to their life. They may try really hard to make friends, get a job or to make money, but still things go against them. Time and time again, things go wrong, plans fall through or people let them down. Whatever it is, for all intents and purposes, the Universe is not delivering or God seems to have abandoned them. It’s enough to make you want to give up.

There’s a card in one of my favourite oracle decks,  Work Your Light by Rebecca Campbell that says, “Cracked open! Life is happening for you!” So, if everything just seems to always happen to you without you feeling in control of it, how do you change it?

One thought at a time!!

Regular readers of this newsletter would be well-versed in my “Every thought creates” saying, and this is exactly how we can make the Universe work for us - with belief, positivity and through being really focused on what we want. No, it is definitely NOT abracadabra, but it is a way to harness the spiritual laws, which are activated through actions and corresponding reactions. 

Every thought creates an action, based on  our belief systems; so, if you have come from a family who has always struggled to make ends meet, your thoughts will very much expect money to be hard to come by and everything to be unaffordable. 

Every time we say, “I can’t afford it,” or “I’ll never have any money,” that’s what we are creating. Other people’s beliefs can also sabotage us too, such as  being told we are not smart enough to apply for that job, not pretty enough or not good enough. Before we know it we are saying these things to ourselves too and our corresponding actions actually stop us from realising our full potential.

Belief that we can create anything we need or want in our lives is a hard task, mainly because we are so good at limiting possibilities according to sex, colour, creed, financial status, religious doctrine and past experiences. It is certainly very difficult to be positive when the future seems so very dark. However, one ray of hope is all it takes to create another, so I encourage you all to begin the process of changing your thoughts to start changing your reality.

Gratitude is one way to begin. Even if it is the most basic of things, such as being grateful the sun is out, or that you got out of bed today, is enough to bring in that chink of light. 

The next is to write positive affirmations and say them every day.

Thank the Universe for bringing you what you need and want in your life in the highest and best way, as if it has already happened, then let go of the outcome. 

Watch your thoughts! Cut and cancel the negatives and turn them into positives.  The Universe is listening!

Lastly, believe that you are a powerful co-creator, because you are. Start to reflect on what you have been allowing in your life and why, and what you need to do to feel more empowered.

Of course, there will always be curve balls, but it is the way we deal with them that determines how in charge we feel and how much we allow them to affect us.



      From the Web
What is Spiritual Health?

Spirit is what can not be defined as part of the body or as part of the mind. Body, mind, and spirit all have an affect on one and other. By improving your spiritual life you can contribute to the healing process. Spirituality may not be able to cure you, but it can help to cope with the pain and difficulties that accompany illness. Spiritual health is achieved when you feel at peace with life. It is when you are able to find hope and comfort in even the hardest of times. It can help to support you as you experience life completely. Spirituality is different for everyone. 

When facing a chronic illness it may be easy to lose your spiritual health. There is a time in which you may be tempted to let go of your beliefs. It is important to remember that by keeping a healthy spiritual life you can better manage your physical health. Your spiritual life can help you to cope with any issues that may arise with your physical health. We are whole beings. Balance can keep us healthy and help us to recover.

If you are struggling with your spiritual health there are questions that you may want to ask yourself:

· What makes me feel most complete?

· When do I feel most connected to the rest of the world?

· Where do I find the most inner strength?

· What am I doing when I feel whole?

These questions may help you to find the things you can do to get inner peace. If you are able to achieve inner peace you can allow your body more strength for healing. Our physical bodies need us to feel at peace. This allows them time to rest and recover. This is another way that our spiritual health can contribute to our healing process.

Religion and spirituality are not always the same. Some people find there spiritual health in practicing religion. Others do not. It is whatever works for you. There is no right or wrong way to achieve spiritual health. Some ways that may improve your spiritual health include:

· Being in nature. Some people feel very connected and at peace when they are walking outdoors or are outside of the city.

· Helping others. Some feel the largest sense of wellbeing when they are of service to others. Being of service can take on many forms. It can be doing volunteer work, being kind to strangers, or offering a hand to a friend in need.

· Gratitude. Some people find they feel the most connected when they remain grateful. They may make lists of all the things they are grateful for or say a thank you out loud for all they have.

· Religion. Some find the meaning of life through the ritual and practice of religion.

What ever helps to bring hope for the future can serve to keep you spiritually healthy. Keeping a positive outlook and remaining hopeful can help the healing process. As whole human beings all parts of us are connected. By working to keep all parts healthy we can help our bodies, minds, and souls to remain complete.



A Christmas Message

Greetings and many blessings. Many hundreds of years have passed since I came to Earth to bring God’s word. My sacrifice has been retold countless times and is relived every Christmas by Christians all around the world. There are many people who believe in other religions and adhere to other traditions – that is their right and privilege, for belief in any religion is a choice and a way to know God but not mandatory. God does not require anything for Him to love you, for He does so unconditionally no matter what religion, creed, gender, race or class.

The Christmas holiday season may not mean anything to those who do not subscribe to religion other than making time for family. If this is the case then it is a fact to be celebrated! When people make a time to connect to each other and to give and receive love then they are doing so in oneness with the Creator for everyone on Earth is connected to each other through their connection to God’s light. You were all born from the light and you will go to the light when you die. You are a Divine thread forever tied to God’s essence and are therefore a living, breathing Light-being who carries the particles of the Creator within you. You are a co-creator and a magical being who creates with every breath, thought, word and deed. You are forever connected to God whether you are aware of this fact or not. Therefore it is not required that anyone attend a place of worship once a week to pray to God, not are any restrictions required to gain his love or forgiveness.

My coming has long passed but the love that I carried for the world remains in every living being on Earth, either plant, animal or human, because my love is carried in your cells and DNA. You are never apart from me because I form a part of the Universal Christ Consciousness that calls every living thing into existence. The Christ Consciousness is not a religious representation, nor does it represent my physical presence on Earth alone. Rather, it is the golden thread of intention that unites all living matter together. It represents the intention that all living things exist in an energy of love, peace, tolerance and unity within the structure of the Seven Planes of Existence. 

Nothing on Earth, or indeed in the Universe, can exist as a separate entity. All in the Universe is connected and united as one, for everything is created from the one source – the Creator of All That Is. There is no need for religion or sacrifice of freedom of expression in the energy of the Creator, for His love is unconditional. There is no-one or nothing in the Universe that is not loved by Him or that is not connected to Him. His love just is.

Christmas may be a religious festival, but the meaning of my birth goes much deeper than what has been cited in the Bible and retold endlessly on Earth. My life mattered, yes, but was not more important than yours or any other soul who has ever lived. The message that I wish you to know this Christmas is to not to follow me in the Christian faith, if that is not your belief or will. It is for you to know that you and I are always connected through your Higher, or Christed, Self and the unconditional love of the Universe. We are never separate and there are no pre-requisites to feel my love. My love and compassion is yours to give to yourself and others – the more you do, the more you connect to your higher knowing, leading your vibrations to rise to a higher level of consciousness and a deeper understanding of who you truly are in spirit.

This Christmas Day, give gifts if it gives you joy, but giving your love freely and without expectation to your family, friends, to strangers, those in need and to the world is the highest and best way to bring my love to the world. Do what brings you joy and peace, even if you yourself are the one who is alone or in need in some way. Connect to the simplicity of life and the beauty of nature. For one day, forget your troubles and just give thanks to God, the Creator, for the gift of life and for your health and wealth to come. I will be there showering blessings upon you. 

Feel me in your heart, for I may have come and gone, but I have never left!

I AM Yeshua ben Yoseph

Also known as Jesus


Spiritual Snippets

Is Gratitude and Emotion or an Action?

Gratitude is an action as well as an emotion. The act of expressing gratefulness creates a deep-seated emotion that drives actions such as kindness, compassion, and lovingness. It’s an empowering emotion and one that’ll give you the positive boost you need on stressful days. 

By expressing gratitude you’re releasing those “feel-good” feelings we all need to keep on keeping on. 

When you express gratefulness for something or someone, it goes far deeper than simply saying “thank you.” It’s a deeper emotion that reflects your appreciativeness which results in positive behavior and empowering outcomes. 

Think of all the times you’ve felt grateful or deeply thankful for someone or something and nod your head if you felt inspired to take any or all of the following actions:

A desire to expand your lovingkindness towards others and yourself

An innate need to be gentle and compassionate with others

A willingness to give more of yourself to others

An infinite sense of possibilities and opportunities

A deeper understanding of others and the ability to respond rather than react

When consciously practicing gratitude you’re tapping into a powerful emotion that leads to empowering actions. 

The Benefits of Gratitude as a Daily Spiritual Practice

What are the benefits of integrating gratitude into your daily spiritual practice? While it’s a positive emotion that leads to empowering actions, it also gives you so much more:

Unconditional act of appreciation: You’re expressing your gratefulness to someone or something without any expectations of something in return. By behaving in a selfless way, you’re showing someone what their own worth is and making them feel valued. 

More good things come your way: And while you don’t expect anything to come back when you express your gratitude, it’s one of the universal laws of attraction. What you give out in the form of gratitude, comes back in so many good ways too. 

A better sense of wellbeing: People who practice gratefulness on a daily basis are often more content, fulfilled, and balanced, mind, body, and soul. The act of daily thankfulness will enhance your sense of well-being on all levels.

Better relationships: A person who practices appreciation on a deeper level is more likely to have better relationships with their family, friends, and work colleagues. By expressing your gratefulness to others, you’re nurturing existing relationships while building new ones. 

More self-control: Gratitude teaches you patience and with that comes the discipline and focus needed for more self-control. Gratefulness also teaches you to understand others better which results in better responsiveness. 

More positivity and happiness: When you express thankfulness on a deeper level, you’re going to feel more optimistic. You’ll also increase your levels of happiness and experience this emotion more often. 

With all of these benefits playing out whenever your practice gratitude, you can expect your life to be a whole lot better too. You’ll have better coping mechanisms for dealing with situations that challenge you and you’ll have more resilience when dealing with uncertainty and fear.


Spiritual Practice 

Bumps in the Night

Hearing noises in the night is common, particularly when it’s windy or if your house is particularly old or creaky. However, if they continue throughout the day and night, a certain part of the house is cold or feels creepy or things are flying off the walls, it’s likely you have a spirit that needs releasing!

Many people live with ghostly or spirit energy quite happily, knowing that the presence is friendly and means no harm, but it is much better for the spirit if they are sent into the light. This is because we are all on a soul journey to learn lessons and to resolve karma, but we can’t do that if our soul remains Earth-bound for years, decades or even centuries.

All humans have free will and souls who have died are no different. Usually, they will go to the light when asked, but sometimes they are quite happy where they are! Angry spirits are even less likely to leave willingly, especially if they think you are trespassing. Here are some different techniques for clearing spirit energy from your house or person.

· Clear your own energy! If you have been angry, arguing, taking substances or have had lower energy people in the house, sage yourself and the house and work on raising your vibrations to a happier state. 

· Burn the Quija board! Unwanted spirits can be very pesky and sometimes even invasive. if you must have a séance, only call in passed over family members, specifically name them and make sure you have archangel protection in the room.

· Anchor in your love energy with rose quartz, clear quartz and amethyst crystals in strategic corners of the house. You can also put four crystals around the outside of the house.

· White sage the house and use Reiki symbols in every room.

· Connect to the Unconditional Love of the Universe through intention and ask that all spirits be removed lovingly to his/her light and released.

· Call in Archangel Michael to offer soul release to the spirit and take it to the light. The ask him to clear the energy in the house, on all the people, animals and plants and to use the Violet Flame to sweep all negative energy away.

· Say “Go to the light” 3 times, or…

· In the name of Jesus they have to go, so tell them to go that way.

· Ask AA Michael to close all doors and portals to the spirit world and other dimensions in the house and around all people, animals and plants in the house, in the highest and best way and send it all to the Creator’s light. Then ask him to bring everyone’s’ bodies and energies into the one dimension that is the best for them.

Whatever the situation, take charge and don’t worry that you might be angering them. They don’t belong there and will be much happier once released.

Victoria Cochrane


The Last Word

Understanding the Laws of Attraction

How does the law of attraction work? Essentially, the energy of your thoughts manifest your experiences. So positive thoughts manifest positive experiences and vice versa. Advocates suggest there are central universal principles that make up the law of attraction:

Like attracts like: This law suggests that similar things are attracted to one another. It means that people tend to attract people who are similar to them—but it also suggests that people's thoughts tend to attract similar results. Negative thinking is believed to attract negative experiences, while positive thinking is believed to produce desirable experiences.

· Nature abhors a vacuum: This law of attraction suggests that removing negative things from your life can make space for more positive things to take their place. It is based on the notion that it is impossible to have a completely empty space in your mind and in your life. Since something will always fill this space, it is important to fill that space with positivity, proponents of this philosophy say.

The present is always perfect: This law focuses on the idea that there are always things you can do to improve the present moment. While it might always seem like the present is somehow flawed, this law proposes that, rather than feeling dread or unhappiness, you should focus your energy on finding ways to make the present moment the best that it can be.


Excerpt from


 A Christmas Wish

There are many people wishing

Around this time of year,

For pools and spas and diamond rings

And all other kinds of cheer.

The kids write Santa missives,

Promising to be good

If he brings them what they wish for,

Then they leave him Christmas pud!

If I could have a Christmas wish 

It wouldn’t be for things.

We have enough to sink a ship;

We live it up like kings!

I wish for love to fill the world

And for all the wars to cease.

For men to love their women

And for children to know peace.

For everyone to have the same,

No matter what they earn.

For people to be tolerant

And accept rather than scorn.

The love of Christ is not in Church,

Although the Bible speaks it.

His love is in our hearts and minds

And in the way we seek it.

My Christmas wish for all this year

Is for everyone to know

That they are loved and wanted,

And to never be alone.

Merry Christmas!

Victoria Cochrane


 New Oracle Cards!

Love Victoria’s book, “The Book of Life, Lessons from Mother Earth”? Now you can buy the Oracle Cards!

Each card contains a positive message and a snippet of the corresponding meditation on the other side, taken straight from the book. Each section of the book is colour coded with beautiful backgrounds.

Simply packaged in a soft, satin pouch, these cards are designed to give an inspirational message for the day.

Selling for rrp $34.95 or book (which sells for $29.00) and cards package for $60+ $10 p&h  from

Testimonials for Victoria Cochrane

Hi Victoria,

I came upon your website today through the website Medium. I've read a number of your channeled messages today and have found all to be resonant with what I've been told, in addition to much that I knew immediately to be true when reading it. Thank you for the work that you're doing. 

I am in a transformational time in my life (isn't everyone on Earth at this time?) and started consistently channeling about 8-9 months ago. At first it was only during medicine work, but now I can pretty reliably make that connection without it. Initially, it was my guides, then occasionally a group called "the council", and recently I received a powerful message from Archangel Michael. I have been told many times recently that I am meant to be a channel. And I have been struggling to get my head around it. I've thought why me? This isn't a job. Etc, etc. I read this on your website today and I really felt the Truth in it - 

All angelic and higher realm frequencies MUST be grounded through a human body in order to make a positive impact on Earth. Accordingly, only those people who have begun the process of awakening or whose soul has achieved a level of mastery in a previous lifetime (and agreed to assist humanity as part of their soul evolvement) can withstand the energy of etheric beings without becoming frightened, unwell or misled.


I felt something shift energetically in me. There was more of an acceptance of what is, what I am. So I thought I would reach out and see what comes of that


Received 5-9-2024

Read Victoria's channellings' blog at

Victoria Cochrane's Books 

Print versions of Victoria’s books can be ordered from her website,

Print and e-books are also available at Amazon and all online sellers.


Victoria has contributed to the Spiritual Discovery Journal (2020, Synk Media). Learn different ways of journalling from 12 practitioners who are all experts in their field.

$49.99 from online booksellers

                                      Victoria's List of Services 

A session may include any or all of the following:
· Psychic aura reading/body scan: Victoria uses her 
clairvoyance to see what is being held 
energetically in your auric field, 
in your chakras and organs.
·   Spiritual healing: Victoria will witness powerful Divine 
healings to lift past trauma and negative belief systems to help 
you to move into the future.
·  Channelled messages from your 
angel guides and the Creator
·   Mediumship: talk to your passed over loved ones
· Psychic tarot and oracle card reading
· Reiki
· Pendulum chakra activation

By appointment at 120 Goldie St Wynyard,
by phone or video call.
Phone: 0417581107

Find Victoria on You Tube...


And Tik Tok


Victoria Cochrane
Accurate, Compassionate,

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