What's Coming Up?
Victoria will run courses, including Reiki 1, 2 and Master on request. Email her at or through her website.
Thought of the Month
Kindness is not an act. It is a disposition.
Oracle Card of the Month
This month’s card is from
By Doreen Virtue
Quiet Time
“Take some quiet time alone to rest, meditate, and contemplate. I’ll lovingly help you to recentre and rejuvenate yourself.”
Tarot Card of the Month
King of Swords
This time or situation calls for decisive action, objectiveness and clear-thinking. Take charge and put emotions aside an trust your inner wisdom.
Spiritual Reflections
Living Beyond ExpectationsLove is a fickle thing and can make people act and behave in
strange ways. People acting out of love can say things they don’t mean,
resulting in hurt feelings and broken relationships. Some people, not wishing
to upset their friends or loved ones, will often do or say things to satisfy
them. Do we, as humans living in societies with certain expectations and
standards, actually force people to act and behave out of alignment with who
they truly are?
How can people’s expectations of another person affect they
way they think, act and respond, in general but particularly where children are
concerned? Is it possible that, in an effort to conform to expectations, we are
robbing our children and young people of the freedom to express who they are
and to be themselves? Is that why so many children and teenagers are
experiencing depression and anxiety, because they think they have let their
parents down in some way?
Watching my own children bringing up their own children, I
can see a shift in parenting styles between them and my husband and I, and to a
lesser extent between each other. What they all have in common as parents,
however, is a truck load of love, patience and time to spend with their little
ones explaining the ways of the world. They also allow them to do things many
parents in the past wouldn’t allow, such as exploring pavement sprinklers with
their shoes on by kicking each sprinkle of water as they walk along, or eating
an icy pole in the middle of dinner, (knowing that their child will come back
to their dinner later). The confidence my grandchildren all show is because
they clearly know they are loved for who they are. It is beautiful to see.
Why do adults force expectations such as not being able to
eat dessert until all our dinner is eaten on our children, when we can make
choices to not eat dinner and just have dessert any time we like? Why can’t we
let children get wet, messy, dirty or play naked because they are so engaged in
the moment without feeling we’re being a bad parent? If our child has a melt
down in the supermarket, what expectations of fellow shoppers leads us to be
embarrassed and apologetic, when it is just a natural part of growing up for a
two year old to throw a tantrum? Why do we, as adults, change our behaviour in
front of strangers or even loved ones to avoid being judged for not living up
to expectations?
It’s worth thinking about, isn’t it, because how many times
do we do things to live up to expectations because it’s expected? And, if we
didn’t, choosing instead to stand up for ourselves and doing what we really
wanted to do (within the law of course), what would happen to our
relationships? Would we be accepted? Would it matter?
If you think about politicians and other notable people in
first world countries who have bucked the trend and behaved against societal
expectations, (again we’re not talking about anyone who committed crimes), many
of them have got away with it because they haven’t cared what people think.
Others, however, were shunned because of their differences, becoming isolated
and unaccepted. What is the key factor in acceptance or non-acceptance of
someone not fitting in with the norm, then? In my mind it is self-acceptance.
If you are happy in your own skin and perfectly content to be
your own person without worrying about what other people think, you are much
more likely to gain acceptance from others for quirky or annoying behaviour
because you are being you. At the end of the day, that is all you can ever be.
As an adult, if other people don’t like the way we are, we can just say that’s
their problem and not worry about it. But if a child cannot be themselves
without forever being pulled into line and made to feel lesser because they are
not doing or behaving according to expectations, that’s another thing
Food for thought, indeed.
Every year, millions of people take the opportunity to use
January 1 as a fresh start.
After another challenging year, many eagerly anticipate the
next year with the hope of change and new possibilities.
But change and opportunity don’t come by chance. Just
look at these statistics:
One widely quoted statistic notes that 92% of people don’t
follow through on their resolutions.
Another showed 80% of people give up on their resolutions by
the second week in February.[1]
Regardless of which studies are right, we can all agree that
the overwhelming conclusion is this: most people don’t follow through
their new year’s resolutions.
So, why do new year’s resolutions fail?
Reasons Why New Year's Resolutions Fail
Your Goals Aren't Specific Enough
(To be successful) Get specific. Make sure you have a clear
vision of what you want and what success looks like.
If you have a goal, commit to it and create a plan to make it
happen, the probability of completing your goal is still only around 50%.
Their chances of success increase to 95 percent when they build in ongoing
meetings with their partners to check in on their progress.”
You are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you
write them down.
Your Environment Is Not Conducive to Your Goals
(To be successful)
Aim to get your partner on board
Remove temptation
Set up your environment to easily access what you need and
You Don't Really Want It, or You Don't Know Why It's Important
Identify what you want and WHY it’s important to you.
You Underestimate What It's Going to Take
Identify what you need to do to achieve your
goal. Goals without actions are just ideas.
The Resolution Is out of Sync with Who You Are
The first way to shift your identity is to be aware of the
internal dialogue and vision you have of yourself. What is the story you are
repeating or envisioning inside your head?
Your Mindset and Beliefs Override Everything.
Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you are
right. — Tracy Kennedy
Following through on your resolutions is more about your
mindset and beliefs than anything else. Our minds are very powerful. If you
don’t wholeheartedly believe you can achieve something, it
just won’t happen.
For example, everyone believed that it was physically
impossible to run a 4-minute mile for many years. They said the human body was
incapable and that your heart would explode.
In the 1940s, someone ran it in 4:01 – a record that stayed
for nine years. Then, in May 1954, Roger Bannister broke the 4-minute barrier,
running the mile in 3:59.4. This didn’t happen solely by hard work, training,
and passion. It happened because Roger believed that it was
possible. He knew he could do it.
Every year after that, more and more people began
accomplishing what was once thought impossible. Now, more than 1,400 people
have run the 4-minute mile. Once Barrister broke the perception of
what people believed was possible, it opened up others’ minds to believe the
same thing.
That goal, vision, or intention do you have for this year; do
you believe it’s possible? If so, you are well on your way to making it happen!
However, if there’s doubt or skepticism flooding your mind, the likelihood of
you achieving your goal is very low.
It’s time to look at your belief system. What belief is
getting in the way of your success? What do you believe (or not believe) about
yourself that might get in the way?
Tracy Kennedy
Excerpt taken from
If the world were calm and peaceful what would it look like?
Would it be silent, or would it be full of noises, like birds singing, the
ocean roaring, traffic going by just as normal?
What would it look like would it be green the sky blue would
it be like the world is now
what would the difference be though, amongst all those
things, if the world were at peace? Would it feel stressful, or would it feel
Of course, you know the answer and the world is not at peace.
The world is in turmoil;
there are wars, there are people suffering, children going
hungry, murders, violence injustices… the world as you know it is a mess.
But how is your world? How is your world within? Is it a mess
too, reflecting the world without? Or are you able to rise above that and keep
your inner world peaceful? It's not easy, dear ones. It takes practice, but it
also takes connection. Connection to your inner desires and to who you truly
are. It also means that you must let go, of all of your worries
and of the people who have hurt you. Let go of trauma, of
emotional pain, of grudges, of resentment. Let go of all the things that have
hurt you. Let go of anger and all of the negative emotions that keep you
tethered to the past, because the past will hold you back, sometimes for a
lifetime. Again it is not easy, but I urge you to try.
But what if you are living with or interacting with someone
who's not at peace?
How do you protect yourself from those who wish to blame you
or others for their life and for all that has gone wrong in it? How can you rise above punishment,
self-sacrifice and the blame of others when you are trying so hard not to do
the same? Again, it takes practice. You must also detach yourself from other
people's energies. You must protect yourself, even if it means not interacting
with those people if they are draining your energy.
Of course, meditation is one way to raise your energies, but
practicing gratitude is probably the easiest way to begin to bring your
energies above the pain and suffering of Earth and of those around you.
Like attracts like. If there is only darkness, you will only
ever bring in more darkness.
If there is no hope, there will never be any hope. If there
is only pain, it is very hard to see a way out of a life like that. Practicing
thankfulness for what you have, being positive in your words and thoughts, even
when things seem hopeless, will open up the possibilities of the universe to
Sitting in the Sun and listening to the birds, hearing the
roar of the ocean, the click of the crickets or just feeling the soft breeze
against your skin, hearing life all around you and feeling the life within
yourself. Doing so can help you find a purpose for being.
I urge you to start right now with taking some breaths in and
out and being still, slowing your mind and then putting it aside. Taking a
breath down into your heart space or as down as far as you can go, concentrate
on your breath and find something to be grateful for. Thank the universe for
it, however small it is. Then thank the universe for what you need and want in
your life as if it's already happened. Make the universe work for you! Now, as
you let go of the outcome of whatever it is you've asked for, bring your
awareness to your body. Ae you anxious? Are you tense or worried? Breathe in
light and breathe all the stress from your body. With every breath, go deeper
and deeper and find that peacefulness within. It's like being in a bomb shelter
- shut the door and just lock all of those raging feelings and emotions outside
of your little inner sanctum. Give it a colour, make it feel warm or cool, make
it feel safe and just be in there until you feel calm again.
If you practise this every day, you’ll find that you are just
looking for the times when you can just sit and be in your inner sanctum,
finding that peace within, the joy in your heart and hope for the future. For
if there is no hope, there are no possibilities. You can create them when you
Yet, when you come out of your inner sanctum, the world is
still a mess. Nothing has changed, except the fact that you can escape it for a
while. What can you do to help? How can you be of use? How can you find the
love in your heart to help even one person, by not taking on their worries, not
taking on their responsibilities, but by just caring. Listening to their
stories and being there for them. Sometimes that is all it takes, knowing that
someone else cares. If you need that yourself, but can’t find anyone, then
connect to me, Yeshua. I am the love in your heart and the belief that things
will get better when you believe.
I am not the religious figure. I am not Jesus on a cross. I
am the bridge between the physical body and the etheric. I can help you to find
the light by lighting the way until you are able to do that yourself. For when
every person on Earth can find the light within to light their way, then the
world will be a much better place, even with all the turmoil around them.
You can pray to me, you can talk to me,
you can cry on my shoulder. There will never be any judgement, no
conditions, no reasons why or why not. I am just here for you, to help you to
feel love for yourself and to find the peace within, so that you can help
others to do the same, eventually when you are able. All humans must help each
Remember, there are no endings, just beginnings. There is
nothing that cannot be overcome, with belief and a change of perspective.
I AM Yeshua ben Yoseph, and I am always with you. VC
Spiritual Snippets
Finding Hope
What is hope? Hope is the belief that change can happen and
that wishes can come true. It is the belief that possibility still exists and
that the Universe has your back. Hope is the only things some people have in
their lives.
Having hope means that the light at the end of the tunnel to
end this dark time in one’s life is actually there and that an ending is coming
to create a wonderful new beginning. How can you have hope when you can’t see a
light at the end of your tunnel? Create one and believe it can come true.
Hope is born out of positive thinking and belief. It stems
from an open heart and a mind filled with alternative possibilities. It is
underpinned by the traits of resilience, perseverance and gratitude and reaps
the greatest rewards when there is not attachment to the outcome, only faith
that what has not yet happen will do in Divine timing.
Hold onto Hope, dear hearts, for without hope there is
nothing. Call on your angelic guides, the Creator, the universe to help you and
trust that, with focused intention, your wishes are being heard and your dreams
can come true.
We are always with you.
I AM AA Michael VC
The Causal Body
You are more than the physical body
that you sense. Your mind, emotions, and soul have their own bodies. These
bodies are distinct from yet connected to your physical body. You have many
bodies. Highly sensitive people have always been able to perceive one or more
of these nonphysical bodies. Recent advances in science and technology are
verifying their existence. Our day to day experience confirms their reality.
The Causal/Soul Body is named "Causal" because it
is the originating source of each personality that incarnates in each lifetime.
It is the source of your personality, causing it to be and exist. When your
personality ends, the essence of you is absorbed back into the Causal Body. It
is the first level of your individuality that is relatively immortal as the
Causal Body exists for many millions of years, during your journey as a human
through many incarnations or lifetimes. Animals have yet to obtain a Causal
Body and super-humans that are liberated from the cycle of rebirth discard the
Causal Body and move on to higher levels.
The word "Soul" is used as a label for many bodies
or human aspects by various religions and cultures. Generally it is meant to
designate the innermost individuality. Limitations of perception has caused
this label to be applied to the astral body, the mental body and other inner
aspects. Here it is applied to the Causal Body because it is the pinnacle of
personal consciousness.
Spiritual Practice
Spiritual Practices that Increase Wellbeing
For thousands of years, religious and spiritual communities
around the world have organized themselves around specific practices they find
In recent years, psychological scientists have been in
conversation with such communities, trying to learn about these practices,
sometimes refine them, and test the effects of related interventions on
well-being. For those who consider themselves somehow spiritual – about 86
percent of American adults in one recent nationally representative survey – these
activities may hold special significance. Although whether or not a practice
really is “spiritual” depends on the person and what they hold sacred, these
activities may be central parts of a lifestyle that prioritizes and
integrates spirituality and
Below are five forms of spiritual practice that psychological
research suggests increase well-being.
1. Meditation
Meditation practices
refer to a broad collection of activities that seek to focus the mind. Really
almost anything can be support for attention during
meditation practice... In recent years, a variety of apps have become
available to help people engage in these kinds of activities.
2. Awe
Researcher Dacher Keltner defines awe as the feeling we get
when we’re in the presence of a vast mystery that transcends our understanding
of the world. For instance, we might feel awe in the presence of something
huge, powerful, timeless, or intricate. Other people can leave us awestruck as well
because of their astounding virtue, knowledge, or skill.
3. Forgiveness
Forgiveness refers
to a process of letting go of negative emotions and the urges to seek revenge or
avoid another because of the pain they caused us. Importantly, forgiveness need
not involve telling a person we forgive them, condoning or forgetting a hurtful
action, or restoring a relationship.
Compassion means “to suffer with” or “to suffer together.”
One way to increase compassion is through a meditation practice in which we
call people to mind and extend them good wishes, such as:
“May you feel safe.”
“May you feel content.”
“May you feel strong.”
“May you live with ease.”
Self-compassion is similar but involves a practice where we
intentionally give kindness to ourselves, recognizing with warmth and care that
we also are human and limited. We can extend to ourselves good wishes such as:
“May I feel safe.”
“May I feel content.”
“May I feel strong.”
“May I live with ease.”
5. Gratitude
One tried-and-true gratitude practice is called “Three Good
Things.” In this exercise, we pause to savor, share, or write about three good
things in our day. As a part of this, we pause to appreciate and express thanks
for the sources that made these good things possible.
These five forms of spiritual practice related to meditation, awe,
forgiveness, compassion, and gratitude may be practiced individually, but they
may have more impact when practiced in a community, motivated by a bigger
purpose. As some Quakers like to say, we each bring a light, but when we come
together, that light shines brighter..
Excerpt from
The Last Word
Try Toning
In 2020, the world was taken over by fear as the Corona Virus
spread like wildfire across the globe. In 2025, Covid is still prevalent, along
with many other respiratory illnesses and, while not as fatal as it was
originally, continues to cause major illness due to it’s high level of
Viruses feed on negativity, fear and imbalance in the body.
Immunity to viruses can be achieved when a person’s body is healthy and their
vibrational frequency is high, resulting in their energies being in balance.
Immunity is weakened by lower vibrations of anger, fear and negativity,
immersion in drama or by psychic attack. Any form of disequilibrium will allow
viruses or bacterial infections to take a hold on the body.
It is widely believed that viruses must take their course,
but they are just as vulnerable to higher frequencies as much as they feed on
lower ones. Changing the energetic frequency of the cells in the body can have
a devastating affect on viruses, rendering them either harmless or killing them
off altogether. Although it is a simple enough procedure, one must also hold
belief that the virus can be eliminated. The most effective method for
transmuting the frequency of a virus to harmless is through toning.
While a natural therapies practitioner can do this fairly
easily, the ordinary lay person would not know how, resulting in being affected
by the virus unnecessarily for weeks. There are several skilled practitioners
who can tone viruses electronically, but other toning methods can be just as
effective. The most important thing is to find the correct tone and frequency
for the particular virus in order to render it inactive. It also works more
effectively if you tone as soon as you begin to get symptoms.
If you or someone you know are affected by the Corona, flu or
any other virus, try this simple toning method.
Take a few breaths and clear your mind. Give thanks for being
in the energy of oneness with the universe and for the Law of Sound providing
you with the correct tone to transmute the virus that is causing illness in
your body to harmless and rendering it inactive. Open your mouth and emit a
tone with the sound ‘ah’, allowing it to come without thought but with
intention. Do it at three times, holding it as long as your breath allows. Wait
five minutes, then repeat the process. Keep repeating until you notice the
frequency of the tone you are emitting has changed.
Ground your energy and drink plenty of fluids for the day.
I AM Master Kathumi
Oracle Cards!
Love Victoria’s book, “The
Book of Life, Lessons from Mother Earth”? Now you can buy the Oracle Cards!
Each card contains a positive
message and a snippet of the corresponding meditation on the other side, taken
straight from the book. Each section of the book is colour coded with beautiful
Simply packaged in a soft,
satin pouch, these cards are designed to give an inspirational message for the
Selling for rrp $34.95 or book
(which sells for $29.00) and cards package for $60+ $10 p&h from
Testimonials for Victoria Cochrane
Hi Victoria,
I came upon
your website today through the website Medium. I've read a number of your
channeled messages today and have found all to be resonant with what I've been
told, in addition to much that I knew immediately to be true when
reading it. Thank you for the work that you're doing.
I am in a
transformational time in my life (isn't everyone on Earth at this time?)
and started consistently channeling about 8-9 months ago. At first it
was only during medicine work, but now I can pretty reliably make that
connection without it. Initially, it was my guides, then occasionally a
group called "the council", and recently I received a
powerful message from Archangel Michael. I have been told many times
recently that I am meant to be a channel. And I have been struggling to
get my head around it. I've thought why me? This isn't a job. Etc, etc. I read
this on your website today and I really felt the Truth in it -
All angelic
and higher realm frequencies MUST be grounded through a human body in order to
make a positive impact on Earth. Accordingly, only those people who have begun
the process of awakening or whose soul has achieved a level of mastery in a
previous lifetime (and agreed to assist humanity as part of their soul
evolvement) can withstand the energy of etheric beings without becoming
frightened, unwell or misled.
I felt
something shift energetically in me. There was more of an acceptance of what
is, what I am. So I thought I would reach out and see what comes of that
Received 5-9-2024
Victoria's channellings' blog at
Victoria Cochrane's Books
Print versions of Victoria’s books can be ordered from her website,
Print and e-books are also available at Amazon and all online sellers.
Victoria has contributed to the Spiritual Discovery Journal (2020, Synk
Media). Learn different ways of journalling from 12 practitioners who are
all experts in their field.
$49.99 from online booksellers
clairvoyance to see what is being held
healings to lift past trauma and negative belief systems to help
you to move into the future.
Find Victoria on You Tube...
And Tik Tok
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